A. Complete Sprinkler Requirements. The following paragraphs outline where complete sprinkler systems are required: Group H, 903.2.5: Automatic sprinkler systems shall be provided in high-hazard occupancies. Group H-5, 903.2.5.2: An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout buildings containing Group H-5 occupancies. The design of the sprinkler system shall not be less than that required by this code for the fire sprinkler occupancy hazard classifications in accordance with the following:
B. Allowable Heights and Areas. The allowable heights, areas and stories illustrated in the following tables represent the information found in Chapter 5 of the IBC. The maximum area of multi-story buildings depends on single occupancy, nonseparated occupancies or mixed occupancies. For multi-story, single or nonseparated occupancies, the allowable area, sprinklered or unsprinklered, is multiplied by three. For more information, see IBC Section 506.2.3 for single or nonseparated occupancies and Section 506.2.4 for mixed occupancies.