Foam water fire sprinkler system is a special application system, discharging a mixture of water and low expansion foam concentrate, resulting in a foam spray from the sprinkler. These systems are usually used with special hazards occupancies associated with high challenge fires, such as flammable liquids and airport hangars. The operation is as described above, depending on the system type into which the foam is injected. Fire Sprinkler System Texas has the experience to install Foam-Water Sprinkler in Houston, TX.
In the event that your business or association has tasks including the preparing or treatment of combustible foam. A conventional water-based fire sprinkler system may not be sufficient to shield your space from flames. Not exclusively are these spaces ordinarily a lot bigger, and in this way harder to ensure, yet flames may include fills or other combustible foam that water won't quench when on fire.
For these circumstances, a foam fire sprinkler system is perfect. Fire Sprinkler System Texas is a main Houston-zone fire assurance organization that gives full administration on foam fire concealment frameworks. We offer examination, testing, fix, and establishment, and in addition day in and day out crisis benefit.